Friday, August 31, 2007

September Newsletter

(click to enlarge)
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New Curriculum Details

Here are some detailed shots of what's included in that snazzy red folder (I'm calling it Mommy's Manual, hehe)

Located in the left pocket when you open the folder is a lunch menu for the week (which will be supremely helpful because I fail miserably in the department of planning ahead for anything, just ask my husband), and a brief newsletter which details what will be covered this month in school (I'll add a scan of it monthy to share with you all).

There's also a blank calendar which I am going to try to use for planning ahead -hahaha-! I'd like to know exactly what's up for the month, or at least even the upcoming week... oh who am I kidding - if I get the next day done the night before I'll be lucky! The facing page is a quick outline of what is included for the month, and the following pages are detailed instructions for each lesson/project/game. I've also taken a quick picture of what the reproducible lessons look like.
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New Curriculum Package

Our curriculum package arrived! Here are some pictures of everything that was included (you can click on them to enlarge). We were excited to find an extra couple of things in the envelope, too - a "new customer gift" of two pencils, a glue stick (what homeschooling mom can't use more of those!), and a box of 24 crayons, and a "freebie" which is a pretty fun logic game where you have to choose what two pictures go together and if you're right they form two halves of a picture on the other side of the card (think hammer and nail, shovel and dirt...).

Also a pic of the little man to illustrate just how excited he was to tear into the package - good thing it's tyvek ;)
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sample Curriculum - Jamieson

This curriculum comes with a toddler and Pre-K version of each lesson, which is really handy! I can make as many copies as I like, too. I made two copies of the tractor one, and the cow, and then they each got a letter and a number page (Selah's was basically a color in the letter/number, Jamieson's was a trace on the line, write it yourself kind of thing).

I went ahead and ordered September's curriculum pack because I liked the samples so much, and the customer service is just supurb - not to mention that the kids really had fun with the "lessons".

You can click on any of these tiny, tiny images to see a larger version if you like.
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Sample Curriculum - Selah

These pages were done from a sample packet of toddler curriculum that I ordered along with Jamieson's Pre-K stuff... she does pretty well with this while I'm giving instruction to Jamieson. It's great to keep her busy, and the cow pages were funny because the whole time she was "coloring" she was mooing! You can click on them to view larger if you like.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brought to you by the number 10...

Here's a pic of our little guy from the other day.
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Monday, August 27, 2007

Yep, We Home School

As the first day of school hits us, it dawned on me that a school blog might be a fun thing to do.

Many of our friends and family have expressed interest in various degrees about our choice to home school our kidlets. I realize that it seems foreign, exciting, insane, and hundreds of other things - I also realize that it's kind of a new thing to a lot of people we know. For this reason, I thought it might be nice to share what our school is like with all of you!

Feel free to comment on anything you see here, I'll be posting some of the kids' daily work and probably some random stories and such. I know this will be a huge learning experience for myself as well as the kids, and I hope that you all learn something from us as well :)

Much love and many blessings,